Hospital Experience:
Emergency Room - Seen by a team (nurse and doctor).
Will be evaluated and assessed.
Relocation - Meeting another team (nurses, doctors, specialists, students, dietitians). Be prepared to repeat your medical situation.
Surgery Needed - Meet the therapy team (physical therapist, occupational therapist, and sometimes a speech therapist).
Rehabilitation Terms - Acute Care and Subacute Care:
Acute Care:
Patients requiring intensive, multidisciplinary rehabilitation programs are expected to make significant functional gains and medical improvements within a reasonable timeframe.
Subacute Care:
Patients requiring less than 3 hours of therapy per day.
Rehabilitation Settings - Inpatient (Hospital) and Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF):
Acute Care - Hospital:
Attending Physician - On site 24 hours a day.
Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapies - As needed with a minimum of 3 hours of therapy per day and up to 6 days per week with individual and group sessions.
Neurological Diagnoses (traumatic brain injuries, stroke, etc.) - Neuropsychologist available for additional psychological or psychiatric treatment.
Respiratory Therapy/Therapeutic Recreation Programs - Generally available.
Subacute Care - Hospital:
Physical/Occupational/Speech Therapies - Provided 1-2 hours per day.
Acute Care - Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF):
For those recovering from illness, injury, and/or rehabilitation services (e.g., physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy).
Goals - 1) To provide the appropriate therapeutic interventions to facilitate independence, and 2) to discharge the patient to the least restrictive, most independent living environment.
Subacute Care - Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF):
Skilled Nursing Facilities/Subacute Care - Ordered under a plan of care established and reviewed regularly by the attending physician, and provided directly by or under the supervision of a qualified skilled technical or professional health person.
Rehabilitation Team:
Case Manager in Hospital
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Pathologist
Medical Director in Skilled Nursing Facility
Attending Physician in Hospital
Nursing Home Administrator (NHA)
Social Worker (SW)
Director of Nursing (DON)
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Recreation Coordinator/Life Engagement Coordinator
Environment - Important things to be mindful of:
Room Size
Access to Outdoors
Lighting Technology
Access to Main Areas
Safety Protocol
Bedside Call Button/In-Room Communication